Music plays an important role in our worship at Bedford Presbyterian Church. Beside the music provided for us by our volunteer groups and our organist, special music presentations throughout the year have become part of our regular worship experience. Please make a special effort to be here for uplifting, thoughtful, and inspiring musical offerings on Sundays. For additional information about any of our music programs please email John Lettieri, Director of Music.
Bedford Bellringers
The bells are Whitechapel bells, made in England. We began with a set made up of two octaves, originally purchased in 1960. We added to them over the years, and now we have 86 bells.
To learn more about the Bellringers, please contact Heidi Michaels.
BPC Choir
The Choir sings for most of our Sunday worship services. The choir, at times, prepares larger, extended choral works for presentation in a special music Sunday service. Additional music is also prepared for Christmas, Holy Week and Easter services. The choir is open to all who wish to sing and enjoy making beautiful music together! Rehearsals are on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. from Fall to Spring. All are welcome to add their voice! Please contact John Lettieri for more information.
Joyful Noise
At Bedford Presbyterian Church, we LOVE music. We believe every child should have the chance to sing and find their voice. We are asking children of all ages to join us in singing throughout the year. We will occasionally practice songs during Sunday Spirit and share songs with the congregation about once per month.
Contact Jackie if you are interested in Joyful Noise or have any questions.
Our 2001 Martin Pasi, Opus 13 Organ